Elements of a Commercial Elevator Modernization - PEAK Elevator
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Elements of a Commercial Elevator Modernization

Do you know when it is time to say goodbye to your building’s current equipment and hello to an upgrade? Elevators by design will typically provide 20-25 years of reliable service. However, with constant use and rapidly changing technologies, you’ll eventually need to upgrade this equipment. Modernization offers several performance and safety benefits, restores reliable functionality, and improves efficiency and traffic flow.  Below are a few reasons to modernize your elevator today.

Obsolete Elevator Parts

With the passage of time, equipment, technology, and designs will change.  When parts are no longer readily stocked or cannot be found from an after-market source, you, the customer, will begin to pay for most trouble-calls in your building. Over time, this drives unnecessary cost to the building’s owners and in-turn, the tenants.  This is your first sign that it is time to start thinking about modernization.

Safety for Passengers = Less Liability for Business Owners

Safety to elevator passengers should be one of the main concerns for any building owner. Over time, as your elevator systems age, some components will begin to break down. The elevator then becomes a huge liability to any building manager or owner. Modernization of the elevator will create less liability for building managers and owners while providing more safety features to passengers.

Retain Tenants with Reliable Elevators

When elevators continue to break down in a building, this drives tenants out, causing building owners and managers to lose money.  Keeping your elevator reliable and in good working order will help managers and owners retain great tenants.

Cut Cost to Building Overhead

Modernizing your elevator can result in an energy-efficient elevator that can reduce your overall energy usage and costs. With such improvements, energy can be fed back into your facilities instead of escaping as excess waste. As a result, your elevator machine room also stays cooler during operations. Not only that, but these upgrades can also cut down on electromagnetic noise and carbon dust, reducing potential impacts to computers and wireless networks in your building.

Renovation of the Elevator Cab and Doors

While attention to mechanical parts and safety codes provide the most important parts of the elevator modernization, they’re not the only factor. This is also the perfect time to upgrade and renovate the interior to improve the riding experience for the passengers. Replacing paneling systems, installing a new ceiling, and adding stylish touches not only makes the elevator ride more enjoyable but also assures passengers that if the aesthetics are pleasing the owner more than likely has taken the same initiative with the safety and reliability of the elevator.

If you feel it is time to modernize the elevators in your commercial building, contact PEAK Elevator. We will be happy to answer your questions, provide you with a free estimate, and make sure your project is completed correctly and on time. Call 303-529-9679 or email us today for more information!

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